REST Super, officially known as the Retail Employee Superannuation Trust, is one of Australia’s largest and most established superannuation funds. Founded in 1998, REST Super currently manages over $54 billion in funds for more than 1.7 million members.
If you’re a member of REST Super, you may have Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance included as part of your superannuation package.

What does Rest Super TPD insurance offer?
As its name gives it away, Rest super generally provides insurance packages for retail industry workers including but not limited to retail shop assistants, fast food & counter workers, and other retail hospitality employees. That includes but is not limited to TPD & Income protection insurance if you are unable to work due to an injury or illness. Our TPD Lawyers can act on your behalf if you are unable to work due to an injury or illness on a No Win No Fee basis.
Rest Super TPD insurance claim
TPD insurance is a type of insurance that allows you to claim a lump sum payment if you are unable to work due to injury or illness within your education, training or experience. Your type of injury is relative to the type of education, training or experience you have. That is why each claim is so unique as whilst one injury may not impact one’s life if they work in a sedentary field, for example, that same injury may otherwise be life-changing and affect one’s ability completely to work.
Lump sum payments if you got injured or sick which prevents you from working. Contact our TPD lawyers to advise you prior to making your Rest TPD claim as we take pride in advising you on your best options based on your circumstances. Please note TPD insurance can sometimes be up to $5,000,000 depending on your policy.
In the 2020-2021 financial year, the Rest superfund paid $107 million for 995 TPD claims, which makes $107,550 per TPD claim on average. Click here if you want to read more about how that stacks up with other superfunds.
Contact Withstand Lawyers for a free claim check on your Rest TPD Insurance Claim
You can expect our TPD Lawyers to provide you with a free claim check so you know whether or not you will be eligible depending on your policy, circumstances and evidence. The claim check is clearly free and if we proceed our costs and disbursements are payable upon successful completion meaning No Win No Fee subject to our cost agreement.

Rest Super TPD Insurance Claim Eligibility
Rest TPD cover can provide you with a lump sum payout benefit if you become unlikely to ever work again an occupation that you are suited to by education, training or experience. That is important because you may not know that you could be eligible to make a successful TPD claim even if you could technically work in any occupation. However, that is dependent on other circumstances such as whether you were employed at the time of the illness or injury and/or whether you ceased work due to an illness or injury as well as other factors.
Our TPD Lawyers are trained to obtain your relevant information, contact Rest to obtain the policy that applies specifically to you and then provide our opinion as your eligibility to make a successful TPD claim and proceed from there.

Rest TPD Insurance Claim Requirements
To make a TPD claim that has a high probability of success with Rest, you clearly first need to have been a member of Rest and had active TPD Insurance cover at the date of disablement and/or date you last worked. Also, you need to meet the relevant policy definitions, terms, and conditions. Each member and circumstance is different and as such, we hope this provides as much general information as possible to help you noting it’s difficult given we do not know your specific insurance policy and circumstances.
A common general requirement is that to be eligible you need to prove your inability to work because of an illness or injury for a minimum of three consecutive months before you make a TPD claim. Although, if you have a specified medical condition that is determined by a medical practitioner, the insurer may assess your TPD claim without a waiting period. There are several medical conditions that exclude you from the above and as such we recommend you reach our TPD Lawyers to see if your medical condition meets that criteria.
Providing evidence is crucial as your employment circumstances meeting certain criteria in your TPD policy based on your employment circumstances is one thing and obtaining medical evidence in support of that criteria is another thing. However, typically, you must provide
- medical evidence about your condition from your treating doctors
- medical reports, test results, and other medical evidence
- your passport or certified copy of your driver’s licence
- evidence of education, training and experience
- employment evidence as to the details of your termination or cessation of employment financial evidence such as payslips, tax returns etc
Double TPD Insurance Claim Meaning
Yes, regardless of having more superannuation funds on top of Rest Super Insurance, you can make multiple TPD claims if you have multiple insurance policies that contain TPD Insurance and you meet the respective insurance TPD policies and eligibility. The legal process will be completely independent of each other as you will be required to submit separate claims. Note that the requirements will probably be different; so, you must make sure that your condition fits each policy’s requirements. Our TPD lawyers provide a free claim check and can assist you by acting and preparing all documents on your behalf by making a separate TPD claim should you be eligible.

Rest Income Protection Insurance
Income protection Insurance replaces a percentage of your income, for a period of time and amount depending on what you were either allocated automatically or what you selected at the time. To be eligible to make an income protection claim with Rest or most other superfunds, you need to first have income protection within your policy and establish that you are unable to work due to an injury or illness. That inability to work can be temporary with to claim income protection. . Rest superfund provides income protection options that generally include monthly wages as a percentage of your pre-injury income or what you selected.
In the 2020-2021 financial year, the Rest superfund paid $199 million for 9,636 income protection claims.
Rest Income Protection Insurance Eligibility
In order to make an income protection claim, as a Rest super member, you may need to be unable to work for 60 continuous days to be eligible to claim income protection with Rest; this duration can be 30 or 90 days depending on your policy.
Also, some requirements like those below may affect your eligibility:
- your age
- when you first discovered your injury or illness
- whether you were capable of doing all your work duties
- whether you were able to work for 30 hours per week for a specified period (regardless of actually working more or less than that).

Issa Rabaya
• Bachelor of Laws
• Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
• Approved Legal Service Provider to the Independent Review Office
• Member of the Law Society

Issa Rabaya
• Bachelor of Laws
• Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
• Approved Legal Service Provider to the Independent Review Office
• Member of the Law Society