NSW Health Workers Compensation
The healthcare and social assistance sector in New South Wales (NSW) includes hospitals, medical services, child care, residential care, allied health and other medical and social assistance services. Health care is among the most hazardous industries with COVID-19 posing additional pressure on medical care services and creating more risk for its workers. If you had an injury during the course of work, you may be entitled to workers compensation benefits below:
- Weekly wages
- Medical Expenses
- Lump sum payment
- Domestic assistance
- Common law payout

What does health worker compensation cover?
Under the Workers Compensation Act 1987 (NSW), you may be entitled to compensation wages, medical expenses, home care, travel expenses.
You may also be entitled to a lump sum payment if your injury is assessed at 11% whole person impairment or greater, or you sustained a primary psychological injury with 15% or greater.
If your employer was negligent and your injuries are assessed with 15% or more whole person impairment you can make a claim for work injury damages, which may allow you to claim your future lost earnings until the retirement.
If you are a paramedic, the threshold of the personal impairment is 0%. Click here to read more about exempt workers.
How to make a claim for compensation as an injured health worker
If you want to make a claim against your employer as an injured health worker, you should first report the accident to your employer as soon as possible by completing a Work Injury Claim Form along with a Certificate of Capacity to be completed by your doctor. Your employer will then have 48 hours to send it to its workers compensation insurer. The Work Injury Claim Form should also document the details such as your pre-injury wage, date and description of the injury and your return-to-work program.

Legal costs and disbursements of workers compensation for healthcare
Workers compensation arises out of an injury and/or illness as a result of an injury in the course of employment. This means that you are either physically in pain and/or psychologically suffering. Let us simplify the legal process to you simply and in an easy to understand way. Our experienced Workers Compensation Lawyers can assist you to get the best workers compensation payout possible on No Win No Fee basis in NSW. As to legal costs for workers compensation claims, they are covered by the Workcover Independent Review Office (WIRO) which means that no matter the result you do not pay for any legal costs whatsoever. The team at Withstand Lawyers is conventionality located in Sydney & Parramatta. Call us on 1800 952 898 or book a consultation to receive the clearest, best and quickest assistance possible.
According to SafeWork, most frequently reported cases of injury from health workers are muscular stress, falls on the same level, harassment and bullying and work pressure. Common hazards giving way to the above injuries, on the other hand, are listed as hazardous manual tasks, hazardous chemicals, fatigue, slips, trips, and falls, transition of support from one service to another, violence, workplace bullying and working in people’s homes.

Issa Rabaya
• Bachelor of Laws
• Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
• Approved Legal Service Provider to the Independent Review Office
• Member of the Law Society
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